Check Specific User Permissions

  1. Go to the Users section in the Administration Center. You need to have eWay-CRM account with administrator permissions to do so.

  3. Select a user (only one) whose permissions you want to view. Then click Effective Permissions.
  4. Effective Permissions


  5. You can check both module permissions and field permissions. To review them, simply hover over the colored circle of a specific right. Here, you can clearly see which group’s permissions primarily affect the selected user — this group is marked with the text Affects. This makes it easy to navigate to the permission settings and adjust the rights as needed.
  6. Affects


  7. If the user does not need to be in a certain group, or if you need to add them to one, you can easily do so in the right section of the window — simply Add or Remove the group.
  8. Add, or reove a group