How to Quickly Convert E-mail to Task in eWay-CRM

Published 24. 11. 2020
...That in eWay-CRM you can quickly convert an e-mail to a task? You can do it in two ways. Just do the following:
Option 1 - Quickly flag an e-mail
  1. Click on an e-mail.
  2. In the Outlook Ribbon click on Today, Tomorrow, or Custom according to when you want the task to be completed.
  3. You can find your task in tasks.
Option 2 - Convert an e-mail to a task
  1. Right-click on an e-mail and select Convert to Task.
  2. A new task will appear with details. You just may specify for example a due date and save the task.


For more advanced tips, go to our Knowledge Base.

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