eWay-CRM as a Part of Office 365, the Most Frequently Used Cloud Service in the World

Office 365 is the most frequently used office software whose simple cloud setting benefits are also utilized by eWay-CRM. eWay-CRM is not only implemented into client’s Outlook but it also becomes a part of Word and Excel.
Microsoft Office has become the most frequently used office software in the world due to its transfer from a simple office package into the best available office software with a safe cloud. Thanks to the data cloud capacity of one terabyte the clients do not have to worry about losing company data. Just the opposite the data are available from anywhere once one has an internet connection.
Users get access to their emails, files and applications in Office such as Word, PowerPoint or Excel from any place and any appliance. Office 365 also simplifies the team work since any team member can amend just one file instead of several copies.
Pros of Office 365 subscription
Office 365 subscribers also get access to the latest Office versions without any additional fees. Thus they can use new functions without removing and reinstalling Office in all computers. Portfolio of several business plans and programs enables to combine them in a way that users do not have to pay more than necessary.
Users can work both online and offline. After they connect to internet they synchronize amendments in shared documents that have been carried out offline. Office 365 also provides a digital pen for hand-written notes in documents, presentations and tables. Due to the spell check, data visualisation and search tools users make the most efficient documents for their business.
Most efficient cloud on the market
According to the current statistics of Gartner one out of five companies uses Office 365 cloud. Office 365 has also become the most frequently used cloud service from the point of view of number of users. The growing market penetration of Office 365 is enhanced by the license policy that benefits schools and government bodies. Also many companies come to the conclusion that it is the most efficient cloud solution that is currently available.
“Office 365 is growing and we are also growing. Its popularity brings many advantages to us. We are glad clients do not configure Exchange on their own but they prefer Microsoft standardized solution,“ says Roman Stefko, CTO, eWay-CRM, happily. At the moment Office 365 has the biggest market share in finance. This is logical since banks are usually very fast in new technologies introduction. Their employees overwhelmingly use Office applications such as Excel.
Roman Stefko
Microsoft has focused on the implementation of FISC and GDPR requirements. It has made Office 365 become No.1 choice for companies that work with sensitive data. Manufacturing and processing that make up to 26 % of Office 365 users prefer OneDrive application due to its cloud capacity.
eWay-CRM is implemented not only into client’s Outlook but also into Word and Excel. Roman Stefko believes it would be reasonable to implement eWay-CRM also into OneDrive, Teams or OneNote. However this is still being considered.
Also law firms have become widely interested. Recently the ABA published an article about Office 365 benefits pointing out pros of teamwork in Teams application and possible automation when using Microsoft Flow.
Catch up and surpass!
The market share of Office 365 reached 34 % in 2016. In the third quarter of 2018 it got over 56 %. Thus Office 365 users make up to more than a half of 81 % of the companies that have switched to cloud services. On the other hand competing G Suite by Google is stagnating.
Roman Stefko says that the growing number of clients using mobile appliances is a good trend. “However it is suitable only for some clients, in particular for those who work in the field. On the other hand people who work in the office are used to PC and therefore they prefer desktop applications which are the most convenient solution for them,“ says Roman. He is not concerned about the future of traditional office applications of Microsoft such as Outlook and Excel.
Most probably Office 365 is the future. Microsoft believes that the combined purchase of Windows 10 and Office 365 guarantee the pay back within 13 months. They offer several licenses and their combinations that can actually be customized to any company. The trend of out-of-office work from anywhere and from any appliance will continue growing. Small and medium size companies who will invest to some of the reliable cloud solutions risk that they will fail to be competitive soon.