Every Word Matters: Learn From the Best and Create Copy That Sells
Selling with words is nothing extraordinary. In fact, it has become a standard for any business. The amount we sell depends on what we say. Therefore, being a copywriting master is a necessity in the advertising industry these days. Stick with the top frameworks and create a text that sells each time!

Table of contents
What Exactly Is a Copywriting Framework
Why Are Copywriting Frameworks Useful
Top 9 Copywriting Frameworks
How to Know Which Framework Should I Choose
What Exactly Is a Copywriting Framework
It is a general method that helps you to write a text that sells. By following it, you can focus much better on the text itself and not have to bother with the next step you should take while writing.
Why Are Copywriting Frameworks Useful
To this question, there is more than one answer. Frameworks are useful because they:
- Can be used anywhere - The below-discussed frameworks can be used on social media, blog posts as well as in ads of almost any type, and more. If wanting to catch people’s attention, pick one that will suit your purpose best and follow it.
- Are known to the audiences already - We see them everywhere and people know what to expect from them as well as what to do after reading them.
- Don’t slow down your creativity flow - You’ll become more creative because you do not have to think about the text’s structure.
- Work – They work each. You don’t have to experiment and risk; therefore, you never lose with them, only gain.
Top 9 Copywriting Frameworks
In this part, we are going to look at each of the frameworks closely.
I’m going to put you in the shoes of a potential customer for quite some time. But I want you not to forget being a creator, too. Think of both sides here and try to take the best from all the frameworks mentioned.
Let’s dive into it.
Attention - Interest - Desire - Action
This framework is probably the most used in copywriting. Even the world’s largest companies love it!
Such as Apple, which has used it multiple times in their ads.
For example, when they showed the world their new Vision Pro:
Firstly, they grab the attention of the audience by mentioning that they have a new product coming.
After clicking on the picture on their website, the reader starts being interested in the product because it tells them all about it. The desire comes when Apple tells the reader what they can do with the product.
By the “ultimate theater” Apple expresses “See, you can watch a movie with it, we know how much you love movies!”
When it comes to action, that is done usually with buttons. Apple uses the “Pre-order” button here.
2. PAS
Problem - Agitate - Solution
I can tell you’re thinking about where you have seen (or heard) the PAS framework in an ad.
So, my question is: Are you team Adidas or Nike?
If Nike, you know that you should “Just Do It.” That’s correct, you should.
And that is where the PAS framework is used, too.
How? In Nike's ads, they see a problem in motivation. The brand knows that it is difficult for you to be motivated all the time.
They agitate by showing the hard work of people who train.
And they offer a solution by their “Just Do It.” The solution is, therefore, to stand up, get dressed, and go enjoy your preferred exercise.
An interesting fact: the first time Nike used “Just Do It.” was in 1988. And it still works even today. You can watch the very first commercial with their motto here.
3. SSS
Star - Story - Solution
When speaking about the sport’s major brands, we cannot leave out Adidas. Yes, fans of Adidas, I know you’re smiling now.
Let’s have a look at how Adidas uses the SSS framework in one of their advertisements.
The star here is Muhammad Ali. About his journey and approach, Adidas speaks in the video.
Their solution is “Impossible Is Nothing” which tells us that in order to be successful, we should work hard. Only this way can we achieve anything we desire.
In the SSS framework, the most important is the star. Thanks to a well-known person, the brand motivates the audience and makes them buy their products. The audience's reaction is: Look, they wear Adidas shoes, too!
Also, the brand is stronger with the star by its side.
When cooperating with a well-known person, your brand always reaches out to a wider audience. Therefore, consider this technique when desiring higher sales figures.
4. BAB
Before - After - Bridge
Who wouldn’t be hungry after exercising?
I know fast food is not the best option here, but McDonald’s uses the BAB framework excellently in one of their ads.
With only two sentences, they are able to lure people into their restaurant.
They express before, which is a problem for a reader - being in a traffic jam, bored, and maybe hungry.
Then they let them imagine the after, which is a nice meal.
And the bridge is the positive solution to the reader's situation.
Why is BAB so popularly used? Because it shows how easy it is to solve the reader's issues. Such ads are short and self-explanatory.
5. 4 Cs
Clear - Concise - Compelling - Credible
The 4 Cs framework is very simple, too. By using only a few words, or a few sentences, you can catch the attention of your potential customer. And make them crave your product immediately.
And Wix does just that.
With their clear and concise message, they make the audience want to have a website created on their platform.
They compel them with the example of a website (the background of the text) which works as a credible element, too. They are experts in the industry. Therefore, the reader can trust what they say as well as the product itself.
6. So What
In this framework, the only thing potential customers care about is how they would benefit from what you offer.
A very good example of the So What framework is the Gold’s Gym post.
Thanks to it, the reader understands that when exercising, they become fit and good-looking.
When using the So What framework, it is essential to make the reader believe in themselves and see their future brighter.
When promising them to do better, look better, and feel better, you have to be careful. Only promise what is realistic and possible for the reader. Never promise castles in the clouds.
Problem - Promise - Proof - Proposal
This framework works mainly for food supplements and various skin products. Why? Because the audience wants to be sure they use what works and what is safe.
And since such products are often quite expensive, it is good to boost sales by offering discounts.
A great example of the PPPP framework is a sunscreen advertisement made by Neutrogena.
We all care about the health and looks of our skin. During summertime, we are exposed to billions of sun rays. And protection, especially during this season, is an absolute must.
As you all know, finding a good-quality sunscreen that would not give you a sticky feeling and that would protect your skin, might be difficult.
Neutrogena knows it, too. Therefore, they decided to use the PPPP framework.
Thanks to it, they convey the message: we know your struggle during summers with oily, greasy, and sticky sunscreens. But ours is nothing like that. It is oil-free, non-greasy, and has a matte finish. We promise you that you will enjoy wearing ours.
To prove their good-quality product, they decided to put a note in the post saying, “Made in Australia.” This continent is very hot during summer. Therefore, if Australians love it, others should too, right?
And when it comes to a proposal, it is a discount they offer on their website.
8. FAB
Feature - Advantage - Benefit
In video advertisements, we don’t have to say as much as in the written ones. Thanks to this media, people see what the product is actually like. For brands, it is often simpler and more friendly to use a video format rather than a static one.
To show you the FAB model, I picked a video advertisement by H&M.
In it, the company wants to highlight the importance of an ecological approach in the fashion industry.
The features are plastic-based fibers. The advantage is fashionable designs. And the benefit is being ecological.
Stop - Look - Action - Purchase
Last but not least, let's have a look at the SLAP framework!
The SLAP framework is quite wordy. It gives you space to tell the audience all about your product. And its pros.
Let’s see the example of the SLAP framework in an ad. I picked a splendid old one by Samsonite.
So, what does it consist of?
The stop is represented by “Samsonite Sale!”
It grabs the attention of everyone looking for a suitcase.
Look is the suitcase features.
Action is “start-a-set.”
And purchase is the price tag, as well as the note “SALE ENDS MAY 30!”
Why is the SLAP framework one of the top copywriting frameworks? It allows you to describe your product in detail. Thanks to the SLAP framework, you bring the product very closely to the audience.
How to Know Which Framework Should I Choose
The suitability of a framework depends on the needs of your target audience.
To pick the best-fitting framework, you have to feel the needs of your audience.
Before touching the keyboard, ask yourself:
- What do I want to express with the copy?
- What emotions should my copy evoke in a reader?
- How do I want the reader to act after reading my copy?
You can choose a more actionable framework for people who are eager to live a very energetic life. Their opposite is a calmer reader for whom you should pick a rather positive and gently sound framework.
Be careful when it comes to stereotypes. And rather than copying the way your copywriting mates address certain types of audiences, do yourself some research.
Pick the right framework for your reader according to their special needs and expectations. Be their friend, not only the sales team member.