Elevate Your Brand: Creative Marketing Ideas that Work

Published 17. 9. 2024

What's the central theme of current creative marketing ideas? They emphasize visuals and personalization. Enhance your customer relationships. Elevate the impact of your marketing efforts with the ideas mentioned in the article.


Here are a few tips on how to improve your marketing strategy with creative marketing ideas. Will you try some of the ideas?


Table of contents:
Hyper-Personalized Content in the Era of AI
AR's Power to Transform Customer Experience
The Power of Personalized Content in Your CRM Hub
Building Brand Loyalty through Localized Marketing Strategies
Educate Your Social Media Audience
Go Live on Social Media: Keep It Short & Authentic
Watch Your Competition: Discover the Qualities that Set You Apart
Data-Driven Storytelling: Human Touch in Data
Drive Engagement with User-Generaterd Content (UGC)


Hyper-Personalized Content in the Era of AI

Personalized interactions are not a trend but a necessity for your business. A McKinsey survey shows interesting results. It shows many customers are unhappy when companies don't offer them personalized service. Are you saying you don't provide them? It's time to act, then.

Allow AI to understand your clients' motivations and pain points. Connect them with what they want. This enhances customer experience but also improves engagement and loyalty of your customers.

Personalisation uses live data, artificial inteligence, and advanced analysis. It helps to create customised experiences for each customer.

AI can provide valuable insights into your customers' needs and preferences. This understanding is crucial for delivering personalized experiences.

What AI personalization tool should you consider trying? Check out Persado Motivation AI. It is a generative AI platform. It helps you personalise communication based on customer preferences and past behavior.


presado motivation AI


AR's Power to Transform Customer Experience

Have you heard of AR-infused fashion experiences? The experiences relate to big names in the high fashion industry, such as Gucci or Dior. The brands allow customers to try high-end fashion ensembles while using their applications.

AR delivers virtual content in the physical environment. It increases immersive customer experience. And helps keep customers connected to your brand through a device.

Do you need an example for a better idea? It could be helpful as a creative marketing idea for property management. Let's pretend you are a real estate agent. You can conduct virtual tours with AR real estate applications like Magicplan.

Imagine the possibilities of augmented reality in B2B marketing. Envision provides your clients with immersive visual experiences during presentations.

Augmented reality offers a host of benefits. From facilitating better customer decision-making to providing immersive experiences.

Customers are thirsty for experiences. Why don't you give them to them with AR?


fashion AR Magicplan


The Power of Personalized Content in Your CRM Hub

When you offer personalized content, customers feel valued, understood, and appreciated. Fulfill the expectation. Make customers more likely to stay loyal and engage deeply with the brand.

Know your customers' history and behaviors with the CRM system. It helps you provide them with a more relevant and engaging experience.

It's not a strategy. It's a commitment to enhancing customer engagement, increasing loyalty, and enhancing customer satisfaction.


CRM Newsletters

Newsletters are still a powerful tool. They allow you to inform your customers about company updates. Also help you build relationships through targeted content. Gather data for optimizing follow-up emails or campaigns with sending newsletters.

Send a newsletter using your existing CRM data. Try the Email Marketing eWay-CRM module. It couldn't be easier.

Get closer to your clients, establish relationships, and show that you care.


CRM system strategy


Building Brand Loyalty through Localized Marketing Strategies

Localizing your marketing strategy for a specific local context is crucial. Resonate with your target audience. Make your marketing efforts more relevant and effective.

Make marketing campaigns suitable for the local market. For example, a creative marketing idea for restaurants could be customising seasonal menus.

Engage local audiences using local references, humor, and topics relevant to the location.

Local SEO and online presence

Build relationships with local customers and engage with the community on social media. Optimise for local search terms and keywords. You will rank higher in local search results, which will attract more local customers.

Work with local influencers with a solid following and credibility. Have a more significant impact on the local audience.


local strategy customers


Educate Your Social Media Audience

Elevate your content to a higher level. Deliver data in a digestible way. Use infographics, charts, and graphs to educate and engage your audience. Share valuable insights, tips, and industry news relevant to your audience.

By demonstrating your knowledge and expertise, you will also enhance your customers' trust. Create a tutorials or how-to guides. Show your audience how to use your product or services effectively. 

Let your audience be curios. Test their knowledge about your industry or product.

Stay up-to-date with the industry news and updates. Deliver relevant information to your audience. Show your audience how you do your work and educate them about your field.


Go Live on Social Media: Keep it Short & Authentic

Keep an interaction with your audience in live stream. Answer their questions. It forms a better connection with your audience.

Go live to give updates. It's engaging and contributes to creating a better connection with your brand.

Let your audience know when and where you are about to go live. Be prepared, but most importantly, be engaging. Interaction with your audience is the key; don't let them leave the  live stream.

Keep it short and to the point—30 minutes is the greatest. Don't forget to mention a call to action, such as visiting the website, or sharing your video.


Social media audience educate product


Watch Your Competition: Discover the Qualities that Set You Apart

Analyzing your competition helps you identify market trends and stay up-to-date. Observing your competition's actions and strategies gives you insight into customer preferences.

By comparison, you can identify the areas where you need to improve. Set clear goals, and diligently track your progress.

Identify potential growth opportunities and threats. Learn from them, and make more informed decisions.

Identify your competitors' offerings. Then develop strategies to differentiate your brand and offerings. This can also improve your own products and services.

By analyzing your competitors' marketing tactics, you can gain inspiration for your campaigns.


Data-Driven Storytelling: Human Touch in Data

Data can be challenging to interpret. Put it into a story makes it easier for the audience to understand. Also, data reproduced through stories are more engaging.

They can provide valuable insights that inform decision-making. By clear data presentation, you can encourage action.

Use charts, graphs, and other visual elements to visualize data. Make it relatable by using metaphors, analogies, or similar elements.

How to data-driven storytelling:

  • Identify the message you want to forward.
  • Collect and analyze relevant data using analytical tools to uncover insights.
  • Expose the story. It should have everything that goes into it: character, conflict, and resolution.

Find the human connection in the data. The presentation should be informative and engaging at the same time. Don't forget to use visuals for better memorability.


Human imprint data


Drive Engagement with User-Generated Content (UGC)

When customers post about a brand or product online, it feels real and people can connect with it. It makes it more trustworthy than traditional advertising.

User-generated content (UGC) is free marketing content created by your customers. Shared on various platforms, including links, it can improve your SEO.

It will illuminate how your customers view your brand and their expectations.

UGS helps you expand your reach of followers, which may lead to acquiring new customers. It also increases trust and authenticity, contributing to other consumers' trust recommendations.

Encourage UGC by asking customers to leave feedback. Respond regularly to social media comments, questions, and mentions and build customer relationships. The better the relationship, the higher the probability that customers will generate UGC.


Be Creative

Enhance your brand with the mentioned tips. Deliver a personalized customer experience. Engage your audience and emphasize authenticity on social media. And don’t forget to gain some inspiration from your competition.

So, what do you think? Which one of the tips will you incorporate into your marketing strategy?