Benefits of Integrating QuickBooks with Outlook

Published 1/7/2020

There is no doubt that QuickBooks Online is an effective accounting solution for small businesses. However, some companies might encounter issues with internal communication because e.g. some data which are not accounting related are not accessible for sales reps. If that is limiting you as well, have a look at a solution we call integration of QuickBooks with Outlook.

In 1993, Microsoft was seriously interested in buying Intuit. The business never took place so we can only guess how QuickBooks user interface would look like today. For many companies, Microsoft Outlook is an environment in which its employees operate on a daily basis. Integrated Outlook software solutions are most effective for them since they almost don’t need to learn anything new.

In out last article we have stated that it is way more effective to use QuickBooks Online integrated with CRM system. However, maintaining online accounting and CRM in two separate softwares might become complicated rather than making business management easier. At the end you can still face duplicate data-entry or miscommunication between your employees.

But companies using Outlook can avoid many of these issues. If you are using Outlook and QuickBooks Online in your company you can benefit from using eWay-CRM plugin which opens new possibilities of complex CRM system. eWay-CRM is designed as a part of Microsoft Outlook which means that all of your employees can use CRM on desired level.


How can integration of QuickBooks Online with Outlook help you?

Integration of QuickBooks with Outlook through eWay-CRM has plenty of benefits. We would like to present you these benefits on the examples of 3 eWay-CRM features that enhance the usability of QuickBooks.


  1. Contact synchronization

  • The contacts from QBO database sync every hour so the details of your new customer will appear in QBO directly when you create it in eWay-CRM. Remember, you are still working in Outlook.


  1. Invoice downloading

You can use of sales statistics without having to access QBO. Therefore, your sales reps can easily:

  • Notice that your client has an unpaid invoice and take it into consideration before making a new deal. You can also set up automatic reminder for unpaid invoices.
  • Sort clients by turnover and choose the most important one to whom e.g. you will send a limited amount of Christmas gifts.
  • Based on sales statistics, track what kind of goods the client stopped ordering and react to it.
  • See that there is a loss of monthly income from particular client which means there is a high chance that they are chased by competition.


  1. Product list synchronization

  • You can keep track of your product prices and quantity in stock offline with frequent data synchronization. As a result, you won't happen to offer your client an outdated price of your product during negotiation. Therefore, you can always make sure you are offering fair price. And maybe then you can also afford to come up with a decent discount.


We are pretty sure that you will find more ways to use eWay-CRM as it is very flexible to set up and it's other CRM features covers a bunch of company needs. On top of that eWay-CRM works offline so you can use the data from QBO and work offline and the job you have done will sync later.

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