As a software company, we constantly need to look forward and the end of the year was a moment of reflection for us. We analyzed our customers’ feedback and wanted to know how can we satisfy even the deepest CRM dreams. Here is what we found out.
Most of our customers reported that eWay-CRM helped them to organize their business, capitalize on opportunities and almost everyone mentioned our customer service. (Thank you, Elena!)
We also identified several needs and suggestions that our clients voiced. Hence, we would like to update you about the situation and our future plans.
eWay-CRM goes mobile
A lot of users asked for a mobile version since they need to access important data on the go. We listened and launched our Android app quite recently. Many will be pleased to hear that we are currently working on iOS version as well! Soon everybody will be able to carry eWay-CRM in the pocket.
Automation allows much easier updates
In the past year, we advanced greatly when it comes to efficient and worry-free updating. In the time of constant changes users often need the latest version of a software to benefit from the up-to-date features. Because our customer base grows fast, we could not update all clients manually. Our updating is now fully automatic so we can deliver all new features to all of you 4x / year.
Customization advances even further
We realize that every company is different and has individual needs. But sometimes our clients voice out conflicting or even contradictory wishes. Should we make eWay-CRM easier for the user or more powerful and complex?
Thanks to customization we can do both! The new 5th version of eWay-CRM will allow you to choose what works best FOR YOU and simply hide features that you do not need.