eWay-CRM proudly announces that Gartner’s Capterra has reviewed over 550 CRM solutions and included eWay-CRM into their list of The Top 20.
Тор 20 Most Affordable CRM Software
Gartner, Inc. is the world´s largest company providing IS/ICT research and consultancy.
Capterra is the world's largest search and rating platform for software. It has the largest number of online software user ratings in several hundred categories. Founded in 1999, and owned by Gartner, Inc. since 2015.
Top 20 Most Affordable CRM Software is an independent assessment that evaluates the standard features that products offer, their cost, customer ratings, overall performance and quality. Capterra has over 550 CRM software solutions in the list, so to be included in the top 20 CRM software category is quite an achievement.
As Kaitie Connolly, the chief executive of the software, wrote to us: "We have just prepared a new report that looked at CRM Software in terms of affordability/value for money ratio. We have independently evaluated CRM software in terms of what options it offers, its price, and how the product itself evaluates existing users, what they write about the product and how they work. eWay-CRM was rated for the first time and immediately reached a high score of 92 of the 100 possible.
Matthew Katz, Media Relations Specialist of Capterra, then confirmed to us, how highly prestigious such a classification is. And not only in the United States.
Our focus on providing our customers with the most effective SMB management tool at a very affordable price has proven us to be on the right way. It is becoming more and more fulfilled because we don´t only understand software and CRM, but mainly our customers and their SMB life.
We are excited about our success, which continues to bind us to fulfill what we believe. We believe in each human activity and business, its effective organization, and the most effective business work.