Our clients have several questions regarding our new US cloud in Virginia. Those are the most frequent questions and replies.
eWay-Cloud in the United States is designated for data storing of American eWay-CRM users. Therefore, it is necessary to change the current license terms that are available on our web pages. Thus every new registration, no matter whether it is Trial or Premium, will define that the cloud is located either in the United States or Czech Republic.
Consent for data migration needed
Since at the moment eWay-CRM does not have a consent of its clients it was necessary to inform all American clients about the change. “To those clients who agreed we sent the amendment for migration of their data from Czech eWay-Cloud to the data center in Virginia“, explains CTO of eWay-CRM Roman Stefko. Not all the clients automatically agreed with the change and they were interested to see what the data migration would be like.
“As soon as we get client’s consent the migration is automatic. We have thoroughly tested the process. At the moment several clients have already been using US eWay-Cloud,“ says Roman. His mission is over when he specifies which data should be transferred where in the system. At the moment eWay-CRM uses clouds in the United States and Czech Republic.
Migration is automatic
“At first the system turns off eWay-CRM which ensures that no additional data is synchronized no matter what version (desktop or mobile) the client uses. Certainly, we need to work with the backup that will not be changed during the migration. Then our server prepares a backup that the system shifts to the US. Backups are transferred through private encrypted tunnels that connect our clouds. Moreover, we save all backups at two different places. When the new database works in a new cloud the previously used server gets a command to stop redirecting the data to the new address. During this time all client applications should manage to switch to the new address,“ describes Roman.
Complete migration can be done while the company works with the system due to the offline operation of all users. As soon as the program switches to the online mode all the data that has been entered in the meantime is saved automatically.
The automatic migration guarantees the following:
- Switching into the offline mode before the data transfer, later on the data is synchronized after the database is migrated into a new cloud storage;
- It is not necessary to launch the process before or after working hours, migration can be done during company’s full operation without any issues.
The whole migration takes up to one hour
Migration is neither time consuming nor difficult, however the size of client’s database matters. “So far we have migrated rather small databases around 1 gigabyte. eWay-Cloud provides up to 10 gigabyte, but most clients do not use such a capacity. Small databases up to 1 gigabyte can be migrated within 15 minutes,“ says Roman
Migration of a 5-gigabyte database can take longer. Also services curently used in the cloud have impact on the speed of saving. The time needed for the full migration is between 15 minutes to 1 hour. “During the migration our clients can work offline. They can use the last saved version of their database,“ adds Roman.
On top of it all the migration into US eWay-Cloud is carried out early in the morning from 2 am to 6 am and thus the operation of the company is not disrupted.