Hi, this is Katie, the project manager.
After a rather long time, I met my friend Janice!
What's new with her?
One fall morning
Janice and I planned a fall weekend walk. It had been quite a while since we'd seen each other, so we both found a free Saturday in our diaries and decided to spend it together.
I had a long, lazy breakfast, as I know that Janice is not an early bird and therefore I was in no hurry. Around ten o'clock, I went to the kitchen and made coffee. Then I poured the coffee into a thermos to take with me. I looked out from the window. It was a beautiful fall morning, perhaps one of the last sunny ones. I put on my headphones and played Vivaldi's Autumn. Thermos in my hand, I crossed the street. However, I forgot to look!
My pleasant moment was interrupted by an angry car horn. I waved apologetically to the swearing driver. Fortunately, I was fine. You cannot be too careful!
What's new?
Janice and I met in a park.
“Katie!” she hugged me happily. “It's been ages! You look ravishing!”
“Considering I've just almost got hit by a car, I don't look bad,” I admitted and laughed.
“How's work?” I asked. A few months ago, Janice had decided to go for a major change and she became a manager of a catering company.
“You won't believe what happened! I clicked on something in an e-mail and my work PC got attacked! Obviously, I had loads of data in there... my colleagues were able to take care of it rather quickly, but my boss was really angry with me."
I sighed. Janice had always been this person who uses passwords such as 1234, while I had been the opposite, covering my web camera since high school.
"That's so you! But important is that nothing happened and everything is fine again."
How to be more careful
I don't want to brag, but I am almost sure that this couldn't happen at my company. Security is a big highlight and every new team member has to go through a special training. What do they learn there?
- Make sure your password is long and safe enough. Combine lowercase and uppercase letters with numbers.
- Never click on links and never open attachments in e-mails from unknown senders.
- Do not use the corporate e-mail address for personal communication.
- Don't forget to regularly update your antivirus programs.
- Do not respond to e-mails that request a password change or require your personal data.
Of course, there is more, but for me, this is the basic list.
Janice wasn't impressed, though.
“Katie, you never miss a chance to lecture me!" she protested and we both laughed.
“Let's have lunch,” I suggested.
“Now I like you!”
And so we went.