Hello, this is Katie.
I have recently started working as a Project Manager in Kansas City.
Feeling like a typical office person, I would like to share my experiences and maybe a few tips that I learn along the way.
New apartment!
Guess what! I have found a new downtown apartment and have just started moving in! And I have to say it is absolutely beautiful! Did I forget to mention – fully furnished! I didn’t have to ask a bunch of friends to become movers for the day. Everything is completely new and quite stylish, although I cannot wait to add my personal touch by displaying photos and pictures, bringing in my favorite cushions and – most importantly – vanilla scented candles. I found one of the web that looks almost exactly like mine:
Lovely, isn’t it? My favorite part is the balcony which overlooks the whole of Power & Light District! I’ll even get to sit on the balcony and listen to the Blues Travelers next week. It is old school, but they were in one of my favorite comedies: Kingpin with Woody Harrelson and Bill Murray. Simply one of those things that create a good atmosphere. Does it get any better?
Everything’s great!
Believe it or not, work’s going pretty well, too! Being all smiles after successfull apartment hunt, I have completed quite a large number of projects and I feel great! And I can now save time thanks to the new eWay-CRM update – whenever I want to call a client to move a project to the next step, I use Spotlight Search to quickly find the contact in eWay. I didn’t know it could also work for my old iPhone 6, but it does!
The only problem I have noticed is I’m not good at multitasking. I find it rather difficult to keep more than one task in my mind at a time. But is multitasking even a good idea? My next worklife step will be finding a solution. But, speaking of productivity, I must say I have improved a lot!
Well, almost everything
And after a long and busy day, I get to go home to my beautiful, new apartment. Alone. So, I’m getting my professional life in order. But what about the personal side? There are lots of marrried people with kids in K.C. Any ideas on how to meet people – the right people - here? Not sure I’m that comfortable with the scene. And I’m trying to avoid mixing my personal life with my business life.
Please leave me some tips in the comments section. Stay tuned!
Yours truly,