Jiri Tvorik: I Look at Everything from Customers‘ Perspective

At the end of 2019, Jiri Tvorik was appointed a new Sales Director of eWay System. Jiri is a sales rep who has been with the company almost from the very beginning. The following lines will tell you not only that Jiri is looking at business issues from a potential client's perspective, but also his view of on the past decade and the future of eWay-CRM.
The first article of the year published on our blog is a summary of 2019. How was 2019 for eWay-CRM from your perspective?
I agree that we achieved great successes last year such as integration with Power BI, with WordPress and with QuickBooks, or publishing code on GitHub. All of this will help us grow as a company. From a sales rep's point of view, I must say that it was a difficult year that brought a lot of new challenges. At the same time, we were taking care of existing clients and building our sales team, which probably contributed to my promotion. Slowly I happened to become a senior member of our sales team, so the things were going on naturally.
According to your recap of 2019 it seems that you are of the same opinion as our CEO. Is it the case?
We usually agree with each other. One of the reasons is I follow him, so it's hard to say to what extent I have taken his vision of a product, company or world. Sometimes our standpoints are different, of course. I look at everything from customers‘ perspective, asking myself whether the planned change is good for clients.
At the end of the year, you were appointed as a first company's Sales Director. Was workload of our CEO the main reason for creating this position? Can you name other reasons why this position was created?
Workload is certainly one of the main reasons. The sales team is growing and needs its own full-time manager who will make sure sales reps get everything they need to work to their fullest, to enjoy their work and to be happy at the same time. And Jan was sorry to admit that he could no longer give 100% care to the sales team. The company is growing and we cannot do without Jan creating strategy and transmitting micromanagement downwards.
What are your ambitions after your promotion?
The goal is to grow as a company and as a product. That's why we need to simplify, automate, and accelerate business processes. For me personally, the promotion is an opportunity to use the experience I have gained as a sales rep. I am sure it will help us meet these goals.
You had been an eWay-CRM sales rep for many years before. Is it an advantage for your new job?
This allowed me to see how eWay-CRM had evolved from the very beginning. And that gives me a better picture of where we come from and where we are going to.
New Sales Director of eWay System - Jiri Tvorik
Do you think you will be open to new ideas from sales reps?
Absolutely. We try to choose the best candidates, which means that they can be better than us in some aspects. They often inspire us with interesting ideas from outside. And that is so good, because eWay-CRM is our main focus. It is not about who is at what position. We are happy to receive a lot of feedback from all colleagues and we appreciate the fact that the sales reps give it to us because they are in contact with the clients every day.
Based on your big experience, can you tell what makes a sales rep really a good sales rep?
A good sales rep should not think that they already know everything and there is nothing to learn. Sales rep must be able to listen to clients. Not just being able to ask, but really willing to understand the market so they can offer the right solution that will be of real value to the client.
Does eWay-CRM help sales reps find these solutions for their clients?
Yes, eWay-CRM sells well thanks to its customizability. Big part of the setup can be managed by clients on their own, which means time and cost savings for them. But in eWay-CRM we don't just sell, even though it's still business of course. We strive to find the best suitable solution within the eWay-CRM functionality to satisfy clients‘ demands. It is not a classic sale, it is a long and careful process involving a series of business consultations, testing and follow-up meetings. In the end, the client believes that eWay-CRM is the right product for them.
So the key to good sales is trying to find a solution to client's problem by using eWay-CRM?
Exactly. Often the client with a problem comes up. Sometimes when we analyze the demand, we find that there are more problems and in such cases my experience helps me. Clients‘ problems often recur and I am often able to read between the lines. Clients do not have to explain everything to me to be able to offer them a solution that I know will work. At the same time, I know when to tell the client where the limits of our system are if we are not able to meet their requirements.
What were the key moments in the development of eWay-CRM over the last decade?
Mobile application release and the possibility to customize the appearance of any form. I consider this DIY approach a great advantage. Of course, it suits clients that they do not have to wait for any modification and do not have to pay for it. They can do it themselves in the administration and if they do not know how, they will be provided with documentation or tutorial videos to help them set up.
Could you conclude by summarizing what your clients can look forward to?
I'd like to meet most of my clients to make sure that their eWay-CRM works fine. At the same time, I‘m planning to discuss with them the further development of the system and introduce a new colleague who will continue to take care of them under my supervision. And then I’m going to focus on improving the product and our services, which will benefit existing and new clients.