I Get New Perspectives by Making Art, at Work I Come Up with New Ideas

If you want to become a graphic designer, you should have a creative and graphic way of thinking. And the eWay-CRM graphic designer, Anastasia Grigorieva, is a very competent person from this point of view. How she got into eWay-CRM, what she was doing before, and what is she doing in her spare time? The following interview will reveal.
How did you get to eWay-CRM?
It was the idea of a friend of mine who worked as a sales rep in eWay-CRM. They needed some graphics, so we started working together, even though I was not a professional graphic designer at that time. I graduated from the arts school. But my friend thought I could do some graphics for eWay-CRM. So, I thought I'd give it a try, and at the end, it turned into a long-term cooperation.
And what are you working on at eWay-CRM?
I do everything from graphics and animations to videos. The marketing department always has new ideas, so I keep gaining new experience. I like the fact that I do not do the same kind of tasks over and over. The work here is diverse and I have a space to come up with my own ideas.
What did you do before?
When I lived in Petersburg, I worked as a curator. I've done various exhibitions and museum projects. Before I moved to Prague, I was doing a major 3D reconstruction project of a Russian city from the 18th century. The historical part of the city no longer exists. So, my team was working for over a year on a video installation that involved reconstruction of several hundreds of buildings.
You said you graduated from the arts school. Do you actively make art?
Yes. About two years ago, my friends and I founded the art group called Man. We do various installations, events, performances. It is my hobby and it fulfills me. And it also helps me. While I do practical things at work, I get new perspectives by making art.
Anastasia and the art group Man.
What do you think is the biggest difference between graphic design and art?
In my opinion, in terms of creativity, graphic design is a craft rather than art. Graphic design simply has to work and designers often have rather conservative views. Even in graphic design, there is a more creative direction that is closer to contemporary art. However, most companies prefer a more conservative approach to promotion. Each company must have its own style. And it has to evolve with time.
Do you have a similar opinion on art? Should an artist evolve and not be too conservative?
Since I am an art historian, I have a clear opinion. Every art has the right to exist. Every art has its supporters and some people just need more conservative art.
And what art appeals to you?
I like all kinds of art. I just can't look at art like an ordinary person anymore. Unfortunately for me, I'm looking at it professionally.
So, you certainly do not condemn modern art like many people today.
No, I'm looking at how the artist did it. Did they manage to create something interesting or not? I like to discover contemporary art at the Venice Biennale and I also like to watch Rembrandt in the Hermitage in Petersburg. I often go to big museums to see the old art because it inspires me more than the modern one. But of course, when I was about 20 years old, I was more interested in modern art. But gradually you change your mind.
And when you make art yourself, what are you trying to convey?
In the beginning, when I have inspiration, I start to think about how I feel about it. What I would like to say to the society. I never think about a person who will look at it. In my opinion, the artist must focus on themselves and their own feelings.
If you had to pick one of your favorite works of art that you would show me first. Which one would it be?
I like the installation I made for the Agricultural Museum. But maybe I would change something there. (laughs) I'm such a perfectionist. I think things must work on the whole. And if I do not see it and I am dissatisfied with it, I often finish some small details after the opening.
Would you choose a favorite exhibition too?
I and a friend of mine have been doing video installations for the Graphic of the Year exhibition at the Municipal House for the second year. It is a large exhibition. We are preparing a screening inspired by the works that are a part of the exhibition. I like the space in which the exhibition takes place. It is an interesting artistic task to connect the video not only with the works that are there, but also with the building and space, so that the installation looks as a natural part of the exhibition.
Do you have any plans for the future?
Not at the moment. Most of the time I make art only at the weekend. These are my artistic days. If I have time, I will help my friend with the film. She is making a movie and I will do the details in 3D and help her with the postproduction. It is a long-term project and I don't have that much time, so I guess we will be working on it for next 3-4 months.