Again, we made huge progress with eWay-CRM last year. And special thanks go to you - for your favor, trust, suggestions, and cooperation on many of our projects.

Our mission is to help companies to grow. And achieve their goals through order in their data, processes, and flow of information. We believe that if a company has all of the above-mentioned down pat, people involved will be able to breathe more freely. And everything will be done in a much smoother way.
A year feels like a very long time. Therefore, let me remind you of all our achievements in 2023.
Faster eWay-CRM Desktop
New versions of eWay-CRM: 7.6 and 8.0, have accelerated the opening of windows, HUB generating, windows with the superior item, but also the synchronization with the server.
The eWay-CRM Desktop is integrated with Microsoft Teams now. Also, we added contact synchronization with Microsoft 365 and displayed the number of grouped items in the lists.
What's the Future? eWay-CRM Online!
2023 was a breakthrough, especially for eWay-CRM Online - a web variant of our software. The development of eWay-CRM Online has become a strategic priority for us. Why? Due to Microsoft plans to end the classic Outlook. The company plans to go to the web version.
Therefore, we decided to enlarge our development team and focus on the programming of new features and transmission of existing ones from eWay-CRM Desktop to eWay-CRM Online.
Into eWay-CRM Online, we implemented the possibility to work with stored views, export to Excel, Microsoft 365 contacts synchronization (including e-mail communication history), integration with Microsoft Teams, colored categories, project opportunities, and many other. Plus, we've sped up loading of data. And created two brand new views for you - Compact Lists and Kanbans.
Currently, we are working intensively on more new features. Those will soon be available in version 8.1. Here's a sneak peek: improved homepage, automatic e-mail storage, record editing in the lists, storing personal views, etc.
And our plans for 2024? Add the Documents module to eWay-CRM Online!
New logo
Our logo has also changed in 2023. And we are still working on updating our entire corporate identity. With the new logo, we wish to be closer to the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. The new logo is modern, fresh, and compatible with the Microsoft products.
However, we wanted it to still contain an element of an arrow pointing upwards. This symbol is part of our company’s mission. That is to help you with growth and achieving your business goals.
The arrow is surrounded by an intertwined circle. That should symbolize unity, balance, and order. We believe that growth comes with being well-organized. It comes when every aspect of a company makes sense and is in balance.
The circle acts as a softening element, too. It should remind us that growth achieved at all costs does not make much sense. Employees should be your priority, as well as the atmosphere inside the team. And the harmony of the whole workplace. We are convinced that if your employees are satisfied, the customers will be, too.
Our blog, eWay-Blog, underwent a vigorous change also. We are aware that growth is not dependent only on tools. But also, on constant self-education. That is why we have transformed our product blog into an educational platform. Managers, business owners, and all who want to work on themselves can find valuable information about everything connected to entrepreneurship there.
On the blog, we've introduced new sections: Sales & Marketing, Business, Leadership, Productivity, and Technology. In these, we create content with tips and tricks on how to turn your website visitors into customers. Also, we advise you on how to create an ideal work environment. And how to increase your efficiency as well as the efficiency of your team.
We bring inspiring interviews with company owners and managers to you.
PowerBI dashboards
We published our new CFO Dashboard which is available for all. Soon, we are going to add two new reports. We have collaborated on the modules Companies and Contacts as well as on the activity of the users.
Customer Success activity
Customer Care is not just a passive response to suggestions and complaints. We try to actively address our clients. And to participate in problem solving around their projects. This is precisely how we perceive the role of Customer Success.
And that's why we offered free consultations and inspections throughout the last year. Both should assure us that working with eWay-CRM is easy and understandable for all its users.
As part of education, we also worked on and finished our articles and videos. Actively cultivated our community on Reddit and implemented an AI assistant in our chat. And last but not least, we did our best to answer all of your questions.
How Was 2023? Simply fantastic!
2023 was incredible. I can see it in our people, who have done a lot of work. I can see it in our clients, who trust us and inspire us. I can see it in our product, which reflects the cooperation of our whole team.
I want to thank all of you for being with us. And I want to wish you all the best in terms of health and strength in the coming years.
Stay amazing as you are!
Jan Lalinský