The beginning of the new year is usually a time to review of the previous one. Year 2019 in eWay-CRM was so challenging, innovative and successful that it became a big inspiration to me. Not only for the next year but also for the next decade.
Dear clients and colleagues,
I'm used to measure and evaluate things. I have set up KPIs for important matters. It helps me to find out if we hold the course and achieve our goals. I use the numbers also for further planning.
When I tried to evaluate the results of 2019, I realized that it was absolutely amazing for us in many ways. We have managed to complete a number of key projects and move forward. Thanks goes to the whole eWay-Team. It's great and runs like a clockwork.
I will try to outline in some points the most important milestones that 2019 brought. We faced new challenges while striving to stay true to the eWay-CRM concept. Sometimes it wasn't easy.
Expanding the international team and improving the quality of services
We are constantly growing and this, though very favorable growth, brings new needs. The most basic was the need to expand our team and improve the quality of services provided. Personnel additions have come and are still coming. Especially in business, customer service and marketing, because it is necessary to take care of a growing client base.
Expansion of the team requires changes in the organizational structure of our company and there is increasing pressure to constantly train and improve the skills of all of us. We still want to improve and do things better.
An interesting challenge is also the integration of new members into the existing team, because each of them is coming from different backgrounds and often from different parts of the world. Managing and integrating an international team of highly motivated people full of great ideas is an incredibly inspiring experience.
On top of that it's all happening really fast. Since the number of eWay-CRM users increases, their needs and demands on improvement of support and development increases too.
USA, new clients and security
For the second time in a row, the United States has become the most important market for us in terms of the number of new clients. Putting all the English-speaking countries together, the dominance of the Anglo-Saxon market is obvious.
Overall, we made more acquisitions last year than in the previous year, and have been steadily growing for eleven years. Every year, eWay-CRM is used by more and more clients, whose feedback keeps moving us forward. Thank you for it!
Under the leadership of our CTO we launched a cloud storage in the US and strengthened the existing in Europe. We have confidently stepped across multiple continents and took the next step in being a truly global player.
And because sophisticated systems require high security requirements, we have implemented ISO 27000 in the company after more than two years of effort. Because safety always plays a key role, we are pleased to have gained this certificate.
Open source, API and integration with third-party systems
The US-based cloud was not by far the only technical innovation introduced last year. We introduced integration with the popular accounting software QuickBooks, WordPress CMS or the analytical tool Power BI. All this using our API.
We publish all source code on the GitHub open source platform to facilitate implementation for anyone interested. We will definitely continue to integrate third-party solutions.
User support and client education
Many user reviews mention swift and willing support as one of the key benefits of eWay-CRM. I believe that improving our helpdesk, simplification of its interface and of e-mail notifications made a big contribution to it. The work took several months, but it is already clear that our efforts paid off!
We are constantly trying to educate and inspire eWay-CRM users. Therefore we prepares articles for our blog, shoot videos for the YouTube channel, and launch our own podcasts. There you will find interviews with our clients, tips for working with eWay-CRM, or you can recall some of the marketing topics, such as the S-T-D-C marketing concept. You can see all the content on your favorite platforms. It is therefore worthwhile to follow our social networks, where we inform about everything.
We managed to rank among the top 20 CRM systems in the price-performance category, compiled by renowned consulting company Gartner for the second time.
Throughout the year we have been working hard on other innovations that we will be introducing very soon. We will keep you informed. Some improvements take longer than we would like. However, we want to offer you perfectly prepared and elaborated new features, and sometimes we are limited by really small details or by our desire for perfection. eWay-CRM simply is a picture of ourselves. And as I mentioned at the beginning, I prefer order and precision.
We will meet again in 2020 and we will try to provide even better eWay-CRM to you!
On behalf of our entire company, I wish you all the best.
Jan Lalinsky